Thursday, April 22, 2010

Which Microphone Is Best for You?

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This post will be most helpful to the singers in music ministry and is a continuation of our series on "Getting to Know Your Microphone."

Ever notice that your voice sounds different when using different microphones?  One makes your voice muffled and flat while another, tinny.

Different mics response to your voice differently.  This is by design and is simply a reflection of the fact that there is no perfect mic for all occasions and uses.

Professional singers have their favorite microphone brand and type.  It is the one that has been carefully selected after listening to multitude of others.  It is the one that brings out the best in their voices.  Many carry it gingerly from gig to gig in its own felt case.  If they’re successful enough to have someone carry it and set it up for them, they’ll scratch their name in it so they’ll recognize their faithful friend atop the mic stand.  If the friend isn’t there, the show will not go on until it is found!

I don’t have a favorite one today that I could recommend off the top of my head.  And even if I did, it likely wouldn’t work for your voice.  I’m a baritone singer (who often masquerades as a tenor out of necessity!), so my vocal characteristics will be different than most singers I imagine.

What is the bottom line?  Find the one that is right for you.  That is, if you are lucky enough to have a church with a little music budget.  Try different types at the music store.  Sing a few notes of your favorite prayer-song, a song you are passionate about.  Listen carefully to the response through the sound system.

Does it feel like someone else singing on an old AM radio station?  Then it probably isn’t the one for you!  :)  Then again, do you feel like singing more?  Do you feel like rejoicing in song?!  Then that’s the one for you!

What is your favorite microphone brand and type?  It would be interesting to see what the most popular recommendations are in music ministry today.  Please share by adding a comment.  When we get enough responses, we'll tabulate the most popular.

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