Friday, April 2, 2010

Music Ministry Happy Easter!

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Just a quick thought and prayer that you may have a very Happy and Blest Easter!
Many of us in music ministry will be practicing and playing a wide variety of music types this Easter Sunday.  As a reflection of the solemn moments of Christ’s passion, we’ll have several songs of a reflective, even mournful, style.  Additionally, to reflect the victory and elation of Christ’s resurrection from the dead we’ll have joyous hymns styled to be sung from the mountaintops!

It can be challenging for a musician as well as music groups to change styles generally, let alone during one single setting.  Have you been to a service where all the songs sounded similar, but probably weren’t meant to be?  I have. 

But that is the challenge for us Sunday Musicians.  We are called to reflect the tone and spirit of the readings and season faithfully, passionately, in music.

Some simple techniques in changing style are readily implemented with a little practice.  Changes in tempo, song dynamics, instrument variation, and singer voicings are the quickest examples.  Some of these I’ve lightly touched in previous posts.  The others will be soon to come!  Stay tuned, church musicians in music ministry!  :)

May the Risen Christ bless you and your family this Holy Easter Season.

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