When it happens to me, I quickly remind myself what a loving and forgiving God we have!
What is your most embarrassing moment in Music Ministry?
I recently asked this question to a forum of music ministers and here are a few of the mortifying tales.
Paul's Pickle
But, first here is my most embarrassing moment.
I must have had the previous song in my head, and started the intro in 3/4, when it should have been 4/4. I didn't realize what I was doing until several others started looking at me. By 'looking', I mean, staring at me with laser-beams! Once I realized what an absolute mess I was in, the only way out was to switch cold into 4/4 at the next down beat! Humiliations galore!
Dude's Dud
This one is from "Pian0dude."
"Ok this had to be my worst....I had one of those overly confident whacky transition ideas flowing through my head between two songs.
How Great Is Our God
Jude Doxology
So picture this... I know... it's compeltely horrible... but I tried it and totally screwed it up.
"All will see how great, how great is our God" hold the A chord...
"Is our God" do the F - G - A progression for "forever more" on Jude doxology... repeat this a few times...while singing "Is Our God" and then work in to "Forevermore" a few times.
That part was going OK, but I forgot to change my timing from 4/4 to 6/8 or whatever Jude Doxology is in... I didn't notice it until the verse and my poor band was trying so hard to follow along with me, but I eventually realized there was no smooth way out of this, so I kind of chuckled in the mic and said "I'm sorry folks" and immediately slammed in to the right timing/groove for Jude Doxology.
So, again, as I said... it was one of these super spiritual (not!), super creative (not so much), absolutely have to do it (um, really?) moments and it totally back fired on me.. DOH!
Fortunately I have a forgiving congregation and they kind of chuckled." :)
Locke's Lack of Luck
"Two words: string breakage." -Locke
Frisch's Freak
"Occasionally I'll transpose my keyboard to play a tune. One Sunday I had shifted down a half-step for the last song of the opening set and forgot to put it back afterward. The closer started with about 2 1/2 minutes of piano & vocals only and then had a big band entrance... you can imagine what that sounded like!" -Eric Frisch
Kregster's Crash
"Most embarrassing moment for me would be forgetting the words to the second verse of 'Enough' by Chris Tomlin.......I just muttered and mumbled along until the chorus" -Kregster
Thank goodness for God's forgiveness! What is your most embarrassing moment in music ministry? Add it in a comment.
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Image courtesy smart.fm
3 comments Labels: Embarrassing Moments, Music Ministry
3 comments to "Our Most Embarrassing Moments..."
July 12, 2010 at 7:51 AM
I've got to say compared to things I've had happened you guys must be a lot better musicians than me. I have a pretty long list... I'm choosing one that wasn't exactly me, but remains the most humorous.
Following a 3-4 song worship set we were coming out of slow, soft song, and our pastor was about to start an appropriate prayer. I turned to my drummer and mouthed "okay" VERY subtly - meaning we were done; he could leave the stage. For some reason he took this to mean to start the next song which was slated for much later in the service. The song? "Shout to the North" which we open with a huge drum fill. So we have soft piano and picking guitar, peoples eyes are closed in worship, our pastor says, "Let us..." and then WHACK-A- DACK-DUH-BOOM-BLOOM!"
July 12, 2010 at 4:42 PM
You have a somewhat overly exuberant drummer!
Ah, these are great!
July 14, 2010 at 10:08 AM
Hey TallPaul,
I've got a good one for you. While sing the "Glory to God". I just stopped and stared out at the congregation, no clue why, then heard a note and continued on. Thank God I have a supportive band behind me that could follow me any where I go. Remember those days? There was a lot of following!:)
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